21 June 2023 – CPD Day at North London Collegiate School

North London Collegiate School hosted an informative and thought-provoking CPD (Continuing Professional Development) day with the Teaching Medieval Women team, entitled ‘Teaching Women in Medieval History’.

This event drew in teachers from across the UK to learn about a range of notable women, including Joan of Arc, Shajar al-Durr and Empresses Yingtian and Chengtian of Khitan Liao, from a team of academic specialists: Professor Jonathan Phillips (Royal Holloway University), Dr Ellie Woodacre (University of Winchester), and Dr Natasha Hodgson (Nottingham Trent University). Each talk was followed by a discussion between the speakers and audience on how best to introduce these figures into their teaching with many excellent ideas being shared.

For more on the day itself, read the blog post here by TMW team member, Vicky Brock, who organised the day at NLCS.

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